Thanks to Club Richelieu de Caraquet Inc. and the Fondation Richelieu-Internationale, the future “La Rencontre” community and adapted park receives $17,500.00 to help with the work.

Caraquet's Atelier La Rencontre has begun work on an adapted community park. The vision with this park is to create a unifying and inclusive place for Workshop participants and the whole community.

It will be a place where we celebrate the richness and diversity of nature, but also of people. Various educational projects will be developed, and partnerships with schools, daycare centers and community residences created. One of the park’s priorities is to facilitate access for people with intellectual and physical disabilities – regardless of age. There’s an asphalt track, a pergola, exercise circuits, soccer and basketball nets, yoga areas, swings (regular and adapted), musical instruments, and more. Landscaping will include a variety of trees, fruit trees, conifers, planters and more.

A $10,000. 00 contribution from La Fondation Richelieu-Internationale will help develop the environmental component and establish a link between the outdoors and good mental health.

A contribution of $7,500.00 from Club Richelieu de Caraquet Inc. will enable the purchase of an adapted swing. This swing will be accessible to people of all ages.

Pictured (left to right): Kevin Landry (participant), Maïka Lacroix (participant), Étienne Boudreau (Club Richelieu de Caraquet Inc.), Albert Lagacé (Fondation Richelieu-Internationale), Mélanie Pinet (Assistant Director of Les Forces-Vives Inc.), Normand Thériault (Club Richelieu de Caraquet Inc.), Bradly Betts (participant) and Olivier Collin (participant). Photo by : Mylène Thériault.

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