Foundation donation to Véloroute de la péninsule Acadienne for the “Je pédale pour l’environnement” project

Fondation Richelieu International is proud to award $17,000 to build two bicycle shelters, one at l'Envolée school in Shippagan and the other at Terre des Jeunes community school in Paquetville, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. Both schools serve students from kindergarten to grade 8, and each will receive a donation of $8,500.

The aim of the project entitled
“Je pédale pour l’environnement” project
is to encourage young people to use bicycles to get to school, thereby reducing their ecological footprint.

In addition to being a concrete gesture for the environment, active travel has a beneficial effect on students’ physical and mental health and concentration.

This project was sponsored and supervised by Véloroute de la Péninsule acadienne (visit 610 km of happiness | La Véloroute de la Péninsule acadienne ( Another important element of the project is the contribution of students from Caraquet’s Polyvalente Louis-Mailloux, who will be building the shelters and learning carpentry skills at the same time.

Pictured from left to right: Albert Lagacé, representative of Fondation Richelieu International, and Ernest Ferguson, President of Véloroute de la Péninsule acadienne.

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